Across our diverse customer operations is our equally diverse service offerings backed up by over $40 million worth of practical experience
With almost 10 years of operation, nearly half a million man hours and more than $40 million dollars in works to date, MFE has the experience to deliver. Whether a large multinational organisation or a small business enterprise, our mission is to provide fit for purpose solutions with exceptional service. By delivering success for our clients, we create long term employment opportunity and career advancement for our team and contribute to the reinvestment of funds back in to our local economy.
See below some of the examples of our larger scale works throughout the region from Central and Western Queensland to the Gold Coast.

Cameby Downs Coal Mine CHPP expansion, reject dam works and co-disposal line
Veolia Water Operations BC drains turn key and sed pond substation upgrade
Sunwater Beardmore Dam structural and installation works and Chinchilla Weir value works
WDRC Banner poles construction and installation & Wandoan water treatment plant modifications
Monadelphous Chinchilla and Canungra water treatment plant upgrades
Laing O'Rourke Access ladders upgrades