gain optimal asset capacity and reliability
Now located in Chinchilla, Dalby
and Toowoomba
MFE defines itself in the fabrication, maintenance and project management space as a customer centric service provider, specialising in effective delivery of client solutions. In order to deliver this, we have an unrivaled ability to build strong and trusted relationships with our employees, our clients and our community. MFE's point of difference is our ability to consistently deliver successful project outcomes. We support our clients with a range of solutions, such as urgent breakdown response requiring specialised ad hoc solutions, complex design, fabrication and turnkey project implementation and management of onsite major capital works. With two locations in the Surat Basin means 24/7 accessibility to our services for the region. This is vital to support our clients production schedules and they know our response is instant. Furthermore, local means supporting local jobs, local families and the local economy.
Welcome to...
Year Established
Local ownership
Local and regional spend (FY 2023)
Locations in the Surat Basin
Chinchilla, Dalby & Toowoomba

Our vision is to be a multi generational, regional service provider delivering world class, global solutions to our clients. We focus on positively affecting all our stakeholders in our business journey and aim to be truly inspirational in adding value to the communities in which we live, work and do business.
what people are saying.....
Grant Easterbrook
Warehouse Supervisor
QGC Supply Chain
Grant Easterbrook
Warehouse Supervisor
QGC Supply Chain
Gary Pollard
TXM Lean Solutions

Lance McManus
General Manager – Investment and Supply Chain
"I think the partnership of what TSBE is looking for in regards to growing our local business’ into being really competitive global business’ is exciting and MFE is looking for that challenge. They look for the next opportunity, they look to understand how they can create competitive advantages for themselves but also for the local community."

Grant Easterbrook
Warehouse Supervisor
QGC Supply Chain
"Our relationship with MFE is built on a solid base of strong communication and consistency which ensures we get results; we get quality and above all else we get the job done safely. It really is a great example of a large multinational having mutually beneficial relationships with expert local companies."

Garry Pollard
TXM Lean Solutions
"I have been working with MFE on their continuous improvement initiative in Workplace Organisation/5S and Value Stream Mapping. Their team have great commitment to the program which has expected deliverables including a safer working environment, reduction in process cycle, manufacturing lead times and increasing capacity through their workshop."